Saturday, July 11, 2009

Vacation is over? Dear diary, I think I need to update you...

"The 1st night" - July 4th

Dear Mom - I miss you!

The car ride was an interesting experience, I had fun since my swing was there & I napped part of the way. The trip took a long time and by the time we got to my new home I was tired. Mom didn't stay long and before I knew it I met my "new mom" and was checking out my new home. My cage is HUGE! I think once I settle in and learn my surroundings I'll forever feel like I am at Disney World - there are so many toys to play with! For now I'm giving my new mom the silent treatment, how dare she make my mom go away and leave me!

"Day One - Where am I?" - July 5th, AM

I woke up after sleeping in the corner of my cage to only end up looking eye to eye with my new mom at 8am. I'm still a bit scared of all the new things and prefer to stay in my cage but I've been slowly exploring & even came out of my cage for a little bit! My new mom is nice - she gave me some rice and a blueberry for breakfast & although I am still a bit uncertian of things I decided I should at least be polite and try it. I was pretty full from eatting my breakfast before getting my treats but I'm sure in a few hours I'll be back in the bowl enjoying my treats! Mom also gave me Millet - I'm really starting to like it. I guess I was a bit harsh yesterday with trying to bite my new mom & giving her the silent treatment...maybe I'll play nice?

"24hrs later" - July 5th, PM

It really isn't too bad here - I'm still a bit unsure about my new mom and the two guys that keep peering in at me but I don't mind them too much. Mom has been just reading a book of some kind - I don't know what it is about but the front says "Ouran High School Host Club". I guess she really likes it since she read two of them this afternoon and I just sat and watched her. What IS reading anyways?? Everytime I move about from my perch or make a noise she talks to me - she is so weird! Atleast she gave me some millet to nibble on...but why must she put it on my door?

"Noah's Arc" -Juy 6th, AM

Mom really seemed to be in a rush last night and early this morning she made sure I had fresh food & water as soon as she got up. I really didn't know what was going on until I heard all kinds of noise downstairs! So much banging and the side door clanging shut - I was so confused at what was going on! About lunch mom came up and was talking to her friend, Mike who also lives here at my new home about the basement having flooded late last night. Mom says I can't go play downstairs but she left my door open so I could play in her room - I'm just a bit too scared with all the noises and new people going in and out to venture out to play today. Mom had giggled saying something about "Noah's Arc" while talking into some small contraption she calls a "cell phone" (it makes lots of noise randomly which I don't like too much). I didn't understand much of what she said...does anyone know where I can find this "Noah?" Mom seemed to think we needed his help last night?? Oh well, I'll just take out my frustration by letting mom know I want attention NOW and maybe she'll stop disappearing on me! Did I mention I don't really like water?

"Mirror mirror on the wall" - July 6th, PM

I can't seem to defeat my arch nemisis! Everytime I see her she mimics me in movement AND in calls too! It doesn't matter how many times I try to bite her she just doesn't go away! I am much cuter then she is, why does she try to steal the attention from me? Mom! Why won't she leave me alone?? Maybe she'll go away if I go sleep...

1 comment:

  1. great job there Midori! I'm sure you'll settle in there with Mom just fine..She loves you lots and lots!So be a good girl and give her a chance.. Everyone here misses you, and wishes you well..Pepper is singing to you "you are a very pretty pretty bird!" and Mongo is keeps yelling "Helloooo" wondering why you aren't there to answer him...I'll keep in touch..
    XOX ...have a great day..
